Choosing an annual theme via a “word” of the year has been quite trendy in recent past.
As a life coach, I recommend choosing one because — as I always say — INTENTION IS EVERYTHING.
Energy follows thought, and thought directs energy. 💫
Unless you feel divine inspiration drop into your consciousness with a particular word, then here are some writing prompts you can use in order to narrow down yours.
⭐️ Which words describe the person you’re aspiring to be next year?
⭐️ What are your top 3 values?
⭐️ What feelings do you wish to have next year?
Another tip is to think about the antonyms, or opposites, of what you don’t want more of…and then use those as inspiration. For example, say this year you felt rushed and chronically overwhelmed, you might consider choosing a word such as peace or calm.